

On 1 October 2024, the Chinese Communist Party celebrates the founding of the People's Republic of China 75 years ago. A jubilant show is planned in Beijing and the party is staging its success story on propaganda channels. But where does China stand after 75 years of communist rule? This will be the topic of a panel discussion which the German-Chinese Media Network co-presents together with journalists.network e.V. in Berlin on 16 September. ... >>

For three decades, Andreas Landwehr headed the Beijing office of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa). Now he has returned to Germany. With him, one of the most experienced China correspondents has left the People's Republic. ... >>

This February, the association journalists.network e.V., in collaboration with the German-Chinese Media Network and supported by the Bosch Alumni Network, invites you to "Outside, looking in", a series of three events dealing with the challenges of increasing restrictions and lack of access to China, but also to other parts of the world where the work of journalists and researchers is in danger. ... >>

From Deng Xiaoping’s groundbreaking visit to America in 1979 to China’s complex and confusing policy toward Russia and the Ukraine in 2022, Jim Laurie has been following events in China for nearly 45 years. In this illustrated talk supplemented by video memories of China in the 1970’s and references to his interviews with Deng Xiaoping and Vladimir Putin, Laurie looks at China today and the remarkable changes over the years in its relationship with the world. ... >>

While the whole world is still staring at Covid-19 numbers and rules, China has continued to extend its global influence politically, militarily, and economically. Even faster than expected China will surpass the US to become the world’s largest economy – one with authoritarian and communist characteristics. ... >>

据说猫的一年相当于人生中的七年。就社会变迁的速度来说,中国的一年约等于德国的七年。如此看来,Johnny Erling可以回顾其将近200年驻华记者的生涯。 ... >>

乔治·奥威尔的小说《1984》所描述的情况在某些方面已初见端倪:2014年,中国的一个沿海城市——山东省的荣成市启用了“社会信用体系”,该体系覆盖了所有人:交通行为、付款行为、私人资产、犯罪记录、移动电话和互联网在各个方面的使用……任何在共产党定义下的优秀公民都可以获得“信用分”积分。 如果有人做了不该做的事,说了不该说的话,就会被扣分。这些都会给所有人的日常生活带来真正的后果与影响。 ... >>

中国的崛起是当代最大的一个经济奇迹:从世界的制造工厂成为美国的银行,及德国经济最重要的市场;并慢慢崛起成为 人工智能和电动汽车的世界市场领导者;中国也在全世界收购企业,从沃尔沃到摩托罗拉,到库卡。 ... >>

In the past months China has made quite some headlines in the European sports world, thanks to the tremendous transfer fees and salaries offered to football players and coaches. German football clubs are showing an increasing interest in this developing market, impressed by the huge fan base and by the massive support of the Chinese government – a government that wants to become both a major football power and a host of the football world cup. ... >>

Helmut Schmidt, West German Chancellor from 1974 to 1982 and later Co-Publisher of the weekly Die Zeit, has been one of the most highly respected foreign politicians in China. He was the first German Chancellor to visit China and to meet Mao Zedong – it was the starting point of an intense scientific and technological co-operation between the two countries. ... >>

What does the Brexit mean for the EU – and for China? How will the britainless future of the EU look like? Will there be a domino effect in Europe? Is the outcome of the Brexit poll a sign for a flawed model of Western democracy, as some ‘official’ Chinese media like to put it? And what role did the Brexit-supporting media in Great Britain play for the poll result? ... >>

In our increasingly interconnected world, strategic communication from states to foreign audiences – so called public diplomacy – has become more and more important. Media as such can shape and influence images of foreign countries. As a public diplomacy outlet it can ultimately generate public support for a country’s views and values abroad. In recent years, non-Western actors are becoming more and more proactive in communicating their views and values to global audiences, while also reporting about international affairs in accordance with their own governmental agendas, China being a prime example. ... >>

对驻外记者来说,几乎没有比中国更有吸引力的国家了:经济上的奇迹崛起和政治上的惊险故事,自然奇观与环境丑闻,贪污的官员加上形形色色的美食……同时,几乎也没几个国家比中国更让他们无可奈何的:“记者无国界”组织得出的新闻自由排行榜上,中国排在第176位,仅排在叙利亚、土库曼斯坦、朝鲜和厄立特里亚之前。 ... >>

Most media at home and abroad see Germany‘s energy transition from fossil to renewable energy sources as a success story – the 26 % share of „green“ energy in 2014 looks quite impressive indeed. Might it still be far less efficient than it could be? In China a very own energy transition is underway, solar and wind power are growing faster than anywhere else. However, this rapid progress brings new challenges. ... >>

Together with the German Embassy in Beijing the German-Chinese Media Network presents a movie and discussion event about the fall of the Berlin Wall. It will take place on 9th November, exactly 25 years after the wall collapsed and the “Iron Curtain” between the two Germanys disappeared. ... >>

雾霾的空气,堵塞的道路,污染的河流:中国环境污染的恶化使它成为中外媒体聚焦的热点话题。中国的环境记者已经通过环境报道让公众对环境问题更加关注。 ... >>

World record CO2 emissions, smog, desertification, heavily polluted rivers: China‘s economical rise seems to come at the price of an ecological decline. On the other hand, it‘s a global leader in the areas of solar power, high-speed trains, electric cars and scooters. Germany enjoys the reputation of being one of the leading green powers – despite its higher per capita CO2 emissions, despite the record sales figures of its big, fast, fuel-inefficient cars. ... >>

Africa always used to be looked at by the international media with little power over its own representation. However, the rapid expansion of the African media market means that increasingly home-grown media companies are not only producing images of Africa for the international market, but are also competing to show Africa to African audiences. In recent years Chinese state-owned media have set up African production facilities, too. So the ‘Western view’ on Africa has been replaced by a whole variety of perspectives. ... >>

文艺评论、文化报道:是一个关于好品位的问题吗?抑或另有更多其他东西掩藏背后—是商业利益,还是政治谋划?不管怎么说,最难的部分是艺术“仅仅”被视为艺术。 ... >>

在今年6月14日和15日在汉堡举行的的调查网络2013年年会上,中德媒体网将为观众奉上一场有关中国的调查性新闻的专家讨论。 ... >>

According to „Reporters Without Borders“, China belongs to the ten countries that respect media freedom least, along with Vietnam, Iran, or Somalia. The organisation calls it „the world’s biggest prison for journalists, bloggers and cyber-dissidents“, with about 100 of them being in jail. However, critical journalism and investigative reporting are possible in China. Their role is becoming more and more important, not least due to social media. They are even welcomed by the political authorities – under certain circumstances. ... >>

中国外交在过去几个月呈现紧张状态,特别在东亚地区,再加上美国在该地区表现出更强的竞争态势。中国新的国家主席习近平在上任后选择首访俄罗斯和非洲,这容易让人想到中国是否有新的外交政策。中国外交政策真的出现战略新安排了吗? ... >>

第3场在北京举行的讨论中,“纸质媒体”的代表们介绍了他们如何应对媒体介质的变化。本场讨论是新媒体对传统媒体形成挑战这个话题的第二部分。数字世界的实践者们也有话要说。 ... >>

《法兰克福评论报》和德国《金融时报》:2012年底,这两家德国大报不幸成为媒体变迁的牺牲品。读者和广告转向网络的新变化将很快席卷其他德国报纸。在经济增长的前提下,中国依然笼罩在风暴前的宁静中。不过,中国的纸质媒体,特别是那些没有得到政府支持的媒体,很快也将感受到阵阵寒意。事实确实如此吗?如果真是这样,那么媒体如何应对这种改变?记者们又该如何做?展现在媒体和记者面前的又有哪些机遇? ... >>

德国记者在采访时很少问及采访对象的经济状况。他们不太喜欢谈钱。在中国,人们对这个问题表现得却很豪爽:“您挣多少钱?您的房子、车子和马花多少钱买的?” 人们似乎对了解别人的钱袋子有特别的爱好。我们将讨论一下德国和中国的价值体系有多大程度的不同——从新闻采访的角度,也从真实生活的角度。 ... >>

第一眼看上去,德国和中国的共同点并不多。最不相同的恐怕就是它们的媒体制度。在德国,新闻自由是基本法。中国的记者还必须受新闻审查制度的约束——或者为争取更多自由而努力。然而,德国媒体在政治和经济上的独立性偶尔也令人怀疑。另一方面,与德国同行一样,在中国也有记者把独立地、忠实于事实地进行报道看成是他们的责任。 ... >>