中德记者交流协会由参加过记者交流项目 “中德媒体使者”的中德两国记者发起成立。协会以继续加深两国记者交流为目的,旨在增进不同文化之间的相互理解,推动建立一个没有偏见的新闻舆论环境。
German-Chinese Media Network
Former fellows of the journalistic exchange program „Medienbotschafter China – Deutschland“ founded 2011 the German-Chinese Media Network (Deutsch-Chinesisches Mediennetzwerk e.V.): a German-Chinese journalists association that aims to deepen the exchange between journalists from both countries on the long term. By this means it wants to contribute to intercultural understanding and promote unbiased reporting.
The German-Chinese Media Network regularly organizes public events in Germany and China, e.g. the series of lectures and discussions “Same same or different?” which focuses on journalism and the media systems in both countries. So far events have been held in Beijing, Berlin and Hamburg.
The association cooperates closely with the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the International Media Center Hamburg and supports the program “Medienbotschafter China – Deutschland”.
The German-Chinese Media Network's board of directors is composed of Felix LEE (Chairman), NAN Haifen (Deputy chairman), Markus WANZECK (Treasurer), Finn MAYER-KUCKUK und Lillian ZHANG.
The website of the German Chinese Media Network is made possible through the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the International Media Center Hamburg (IMCH), and Zeitenspiegel Reportagen.