75 Years People's Republic of China: Between Economic Rise, Censorship and Fears for the Future

On 1 October 2024, the Chinese Communist Party celebrates the founding of the People's Republic of China 75 years ago. A jubilant show is planned in Beijing and the party is staging its success story on propaganda channels. But where does China stand after 75 years of communist rule?
Domestically, the country is struggling with economic problems, falling birth rates and growing discontent, while internationally there is growing criticism of China's aggressive course. At the same time, the country is constantly celebrating new breakthroughs in future-oriented sectors such as artificial intelligence and is increasingly competing with Western companies. How do these contradictions fit together and what does China's impending economic stagnation mean for Germany?
These are topics that we want to focus on at a panel discussion (in German). Another topic will be the increasing restriction of press freedom and the consequences of Xi Jinping's authoritarian policies for China.
Monday, 16 September 2024, 6 pm (doors open from 5:30 pm, drinks available)
International Alumni Center (iac Berlin)
Linienstraße 65a II
10119 Berlin
(U8 Rosenthaler Platz)
Free participation, but limited places. If you'd like to take part, please send a short email to Markus Wanzeck until Thursday, 12th September 2024:

The panel discussion will be moderated by Andre ZANTOW (Deutschlandradio).
The event is presented in cooperation with the journalists.network e.V. and the International Alumni Center (iac Berlin).